Hello world!
Hi there! 👋
My name is José David, and you ended up on my site. I wanted to welcome you to the site; I hope you found what you were looking for 😄.
The main reason I decided to start a blog was to document thoughts, ideas, interests I have daily.
I usually write these ideas on Evernote. However, after reading Max Stoiber notes about Working in public), I got inspired to start sharing them publicly.
Also, I am a firm believer in teaching what I learn (or in this case writing it), as it is an excellent way to recall your learnings.
Content of this site
This site will contain mostly information/challenges I face in the Software Engineering field. Most of the content will be technical to some degree, although if a lot of code is involved, I am likely pointing the work to the specific GitHub repository.
Content frequency
I aim to write at least once a month: I put a low entry requirement to encourage myself to have this alive and have it up to date 😅. If I like this writing adventure, I will reevaluate the frequency of it. For the moment, I want to focus this as a writing/learning experience and not an obligation.